To help boost investment rates, Rishi Sunak announced in the Budget 2021 a new “super deduction” tax break of 130% is available to companies incurring expenditure on qualifying plant and machinery (P&M) including computer hardware. This will cover expenditure incurred between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2023 and is only available to incorporated businesses because it offers tax relief against corporation tax.
Fixed Assets including desktops, laptops, monitors and servers or networking upgrades for your property are all available through the scheme*. Now is the time to look at your IT infrastructure and identify any needs you may have. PCL Group Engineers are on hand to advise what systems could benefit your business. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Contact us today to discuss your upgrade options.
*All purchases must be new, not refurbished. For more information on the Super Deduction Tax Break scheme visit here.